Soft Chocolate Cake


Quantity for 6 to 8 persons – 22 cm diameter opening baking pan
– 200 gr of good quality dark chocolate
– 100 gr of butter
– 150 gr of sugar
– 3 medium eggs
– 50 gr flour
– 25 gr milk (3 tablespoons of milk)
– 1 pinch of salt

First, melt the chocolate and butter in a bain-marie following the steps found in the chocolate and hazelnut cake

in just a few minutes you will get a liquid, lump-free mixture.

Then lift the basket out of the water bath if you are using that, or lift the bottom plate and set aside to cool your melted chocolate and butter.

In the meantime, crack the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites, and beat with the help of electric whips, the yolks with half the sugar for at least 5′, until the mixture is light and doubled in volume.

Finally, pour the melted chocolate into the whipped eggs.

Again using electric whips at low speed, perfectly amalgamate the chocolate with the eggs; it will only take a few seconds to obtain a smooth and velvety mixture.

Finally, then add the flour and the milk a little at a time as soon as it has warmed.

Mix again with the whisks on low speed until the mixture is smooth

The dough before adding the egg whites – Tenerina Cake Recipe


Separately, whip the egg whites stiffly with the remaining sugar and a pinch of salt. When the egg whites are white and firm, add them to the batter of your tender cake.

This time, proceed without whisking; use a spatula to mix the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, with a bottom-up motion in order not to disassemble the mixture

Then proceed slowly and unhurriedly, the mixture will blend better and you will not run the risk of spoiling the cake.

Once a smooth mixture is obtained, pour it into a previously buttered and floured baking dish, distributing the dough well and flattening the surface


Baking the Tenerina Cake without mistakes:
In fact, the baking stage is the only difficulty with this cake.

Prolonged baking can result in an overly compact and dry Tenerina Cake and give a sponge cake-like result…compromising the typical taste and texture of this cake.

Conversely, baking too short can result in an overly soft Tenerina Cake that is also difficult to portion into slices.

Set the oven to traditional at a fairly low temperature 170° and bake the cake for 25′ to 30′.

My advice, since minute more or less also depends on the oven you have, check the situation after the 25′, time when you can also catch a clear glimpse of the crispy crust and you can assess with a toothpick how far the cake is: remember that the center of the tenerina cake should keep moist and rather soft, so if the toothpick comes out moist, it’s okay! Conversely, the outside should come out drier, so test with the toothpick in several places on the cake.

From the 25 minutes indicated, you may need another 5′ to 8′ of baking time depending on your oven, based on the directions above, adjust.

Finally, bake and unmold the Tenerina Cake by removing the rim to the mold and let it cool before enjoying !!!!!!!!!!!!

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