Cuttlefish meatballs

Elements for 6 individuals

q.s. salt

q.s. orange zing

30 gr pecorino romano

1 pack of Belgian endive salad (witloof)

q.s. lemon zing

q.s. White pepper

30 gr

2 dl additional virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons parsley

800 gr cuttlefish

q.s. entire yogurt

q.s. basil

150 gr ground bread

3 eggs

  1. Wash the cuttlefish under running water and let them channel well (see my stunts box as an afterthought). Cut them into lumps and put them in the blender with the ground parmesan and pecorino, the breadcrumbs, the orange and lemon zing into strips, the eggs, the parsley, the salt and the pepper. Mix discontinuously until you have gotten a combination as homogeneous as could really be expected.
  2. 2) Transfer the blend into a bowl and fill one more bowl with cold water. Plunge your hands in the water, take a portion of the blend and structure a meatball about the size of a little apricot. Shape the meatballs similarly until the combination is depleted, wetting your hands each time, and progressively put them on a sheet of baking paper, to keep them from staying.
  3. 3) Pour the oil into an enormous non-stick container and let it heat up; add the meatballs, framing a solitary layer (see my stunts box on page 62), and cook them for a couple of seconds over moderate intensity, taking consideration to turn them tenderly on all sides with 2 stirrers. Eliminate from the intensity, dry them on kitchen paper and let them cool.
  4. 4) Meanwhile, set up the sauce. Clean the basil leaves with a wet fabric, dry them well (in any case they get wounded when cut and obscure) and cleave finely. Lessen the orange and lemon strips similarly. Empty the oil into a little bowl and beat it with a spot of salt; add the slashed basil and zing and blend until the sauce is basically as homogeneous as could be expected.
  5. 5) For the show, clean a branch of basil leaves as I said in point 4; stack them on top of one another and cut them into flimsy strips with a sharp blade. Cut the citrus strip similarly. Deeply and the external leaves of the endive head; eliminate the leaves, wash them very well submerged and dry them with a towel.
  6. 6) Skewer the meatballs each in turn with a wooden stick, plunge them in the sauce ready for a couple of seconds so they retain it well. Progressively, orchestrate 2-3 (without eliminating the stick) on every endive leaf as though it were a plate, to gather the sauce, and put on every meatball a tip of yogurt, a piece of basil, one of orange zing and one of lemon.
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