Strawberry Semifreddo

Amount for 6 individuals a portion dish 22 x 15 cm
For the Strawberry Semifreddo:

250 gr of new strawberries net of waste + 200 gr of entire strawberries to brighten and embellish
300 ml of vegetable whipping cream uth (type hplà) cold from the cooler
125 ml of cold white yogurt from the cooler
80 grams of powdered sugar
1 tablespoon of new sifted lemon juice
For the strawberry sauce:

100 gr of new strawberries net of waste
2 teaspoons of powdered sugar
a couple of drops of new separated lemon juice

Instructions to make Strawberry Semifreddo
As a matter of some importance, clean the strawberries, wash and weigh them, cut them into little pieces and spot them in a pot with the icing sugar and lemon juice.

Then put the pan on the oven, crush gradually with a fork and cook the strawberries for around 2 minutes, until the strawberries thicken into a compote.

At long last, promptly move to a bowl:

Set up the strawberry compote – Strawberry semifreddo recipe

cover with stick film and let it cool for a couple of moments, then, at that point, place in the cooler to cool, around 20 minutes.

The compote should be cold when utilized. On the off chance that you don’t mean to make your strawberry parfait immediately, put your compote in the cooler.

Then whip the cream in an enormous bowl, add the yogurt, blending from base to top so as not to dismantle the combination.

Add the strawberry compote:

Add the chilly compote to the cream and yogurt – Strawberry Semifreddo Recipe

blend well, continuously blending from the base upwards so as not to destroy your combination, until you get a foamy, delicate and very much mixed blend:

The prepared blend – Strawberry Semifreddo Recipe

Then, at that point, line a portion dish with a well-contact film, pour the combination and disperse well:

Put the combination into the form – Strawberry Semifreddo Recipe

Cover with aluminum foil for food and spot in the cooler for 3 – 5 hours, as long as the semifreddo is extremely hard and effectively demoulded.

Meanwhile, you can set up the strawberry sauce:

clean the strawberries, wash and weigh them, mix them with a blender, strain the juice with a thin opening sifter, add lemon squeeze and icing sugar, turn and put on the intensity 2′- 3 ‘minutes, the time it thickens a tad.

At long last leave a couple of moments at room temperature, then, at that point, in the ice chest.

After the demonstrated time your Strawberry Semifreddo is prepared!

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